Engelsk A

Ny ordning

Torsdag den 3. december 2020
kl. 09.00-14.00

Vejledning til opgavesættet

Du skal besvare følgende opgaver:
  • Assignment 1-3
  • Assignment 4A eller assignment 4B
Tekster til opgave 4:

4A: manuskript til tale:
  • “Stop Hate For Profit campaign”, a video, from Anti-defamation league, 2020
  • “Brand boycott: what’s the future of ads on social media?”, a video, from CNBC website, 2020
  • “We’re Entering the Age of Corporate Social Justice”, an article, from Harvard Business Review, 2020
  • “Third of advertisers may boycott Facebook in hate speech revolt”, an article, from the Guardian, 2020
4B: analyse af non-fiktion
  • “Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention 2020”, a video, from PBS website, 2020
  • “Michelle Obama's DNC speech”, full transcript, from CNN website, 2020

Vejledning til opgaverne og skabelon
Den samlede eksaminationstid for opgave 1-4 er fem timer.

Det anbefales, at du skriver din besvarelse i skabelonen, som ligger under Template i menuen til venstre. Besvarelsen afleveres i ét dokument med opgaverne i rækkefølgen 1-4.

Henvisninger til tekst, video- og lydklip

Hvis du citerer, skal du angive kilde.
Alt anvendt materiale skal være engelsksproget og angives med kildehenvisninger. Til forklaring af grammatiske opgaver kan materialerne være på dansk.

Generel skabelon for henvisninger til tekster

Alle henvisninger angives i fodnoter

Ved assignments med én tekst kan henvisninger angives i parentes inde i teksten:

(l. 34): ved én linje
(ll. 35-37): ved flere linjer

Henvisning til kilderne (sources) i opgavematerialet
”In N.R.A. Fight, Companies Find There Is No Neutral Ground” (l. 15) eller (ll.15-17)

Henvisning til videoer i kilderne (sources) i opgavematerialet
”Why Americans Love Guns” (01:23-02:12)

Opslag i bog
“Verbet succeed”. Poul Tornøe, Get It Right. 2012. P. 94.

Henvisning til bog
Chimamanda Adichie, Americanah.2013. P. 54.

Opslag i i-bog
Typer af verber og deres former, Engelsk fortsættergrammatik -Questions and Answers.

Henvisning til antologi eller artikel
Coming of Age on the Internet”. Lars Ulrik Tambjerg-Ravn, World in Motion 2.0. 2012. P. 24.

Tekster i opgavesættet

Teksternes ortografi og tegnsætning følger forlæggene. Trykfejl er dog rettet.
Opsætningen følger ikke nødvendigvis forlæggene. Dog følges forlægget nøje, hvor opsætningen på den ene eller anden måde indgår i opgaven.

Assignment 1

Find seks substantiver, der følger forskellige regler for dannelse af pluralis i nedenstående tekststykke. Skriv for hvert substantiv både singularis- og pluralisformen og forklar, hvilken regel der er anvendt.

Communities have been left to come to terms with the setback for race relations, a frayed relationship with police and the damage that has upended daily life.

Antwainnetta Edwards is a new mom. Just weeks ago, she had a baby girl and worked hard preparing herself to raise a child during a coronavirus pandemic and the related economic crisis.

Now, as she stood on the porch of her home in Kenosha, rocking her newborn back and forth, she reflected on the last four days and nights that have shaken the small Wisconsin city since, once again in America, a white police officer shot a Black man during an interaction that went out of control, severely wounding Jacob Blake on Sunday.

Family-owned stores in Edwards’s neighborhood have been destroyed as largely peaceful protests against police brutality and racism splintered into violence on the fringes on Monday night. Then the situation spiraled into chaos on Tuesday night as white, armed vigilantes and militia members appeared on the streets and some attacked protesters who were chanting Black Lives Matter, just a five-minute walk from her home.

The Guardian, 27 August 2020

Assignment 2

Besvar opgave a, b, c og d med udgangspunkt i nedenstående tekststykke. Brug relevant grammatisk terminologi.

Fem ing-former er understreget. Forklar for hvert eksempel, hvorfor der er anvendt ing-form.

Find og skriv
i. et eksempel på anvendelse af komma efter et indledende adverbialled
ii. et eksempel på anvendelse af komma i forbindelse med opremsning.

Find og skriv
i. et eksempel på en helsætning, der består af en hovedsætning og en ledsætning
ii. et eksempel på en helsætning, der består af to hovedsætninger.

Foretag en syntaktisk analyse af sætningen:

Now, consumers and employees are raising the bar.

Vær opmærksom på, at alle sætningsled ikke nødvendigvis forekommer.

Research has shown that companies with effective Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs are more profitable than those that aren’t. Over the last 50 years, corporations have relied on these programs, which include social issue marketing, philanthropic efforts, employee volunteer initiatives, and diversity and inclusion work, to build their brands and satisfy customers.

Now, consumers and employees are raising the bar. The killing of George Floyd by a white police officer in Minneapolis has driven one of the largest protest movements in recent memory, and the widespread reactions to the standard CSR playbook suggest that old best practices may no longer work. Consumers and employees are now looking for more than Corporate Social Responsibility — they’re looking for what I call Corporate Social Justice.

Corporate Social Justice is a reframing of CSR that centers the focus of any initiative or program on the measurable, lived experiences of groups harmed and disadvantaged by society. CSR is a self-regulated framework that has no legal or social obligation for corporations to actually create positive impact for the groups they purport to help. Corporate Social Justice is a framework regulated by the trust between a company and its employees, customers, shareholders, and the broader community it touches, with the goal of explicitly doing good by all of them. Where CSR is often realized through a secondary or even vanity program tacked onto a company’s main business, Corporate Social Justice requires deep integration with every aspect of the way a company functions. […]

Corporate Social Justice is a new paradigm that imagines a healthier and mutually beneficial relationship between companies and the communities they interact with. It is driven by the growing desire of socially-aware consumers and employees for companies, especially socially-conscious and forward-thinking companies, to do better. Companies have an opportunity to rise to the occasion and leverage their influence to build a better world for all — including themselves.

We’re Entering the Age of Corporate Social Justice. Harvard Business Review, June 15, 2020.

Assignment 3

Du er ansat i den britiske virksomhed SustainSports, som sælger bæredygtigt sportstøj. Virksomheden har netop udviklet en kollektion af bæredygtige og genanvendelige mundbind specielt til atleter. Derfor skriver du en e-mail til butikskæden AthleticsGear med henblik på at sælge det nye produkt.

Din e-mail skal indeholde følgende:
  • præsentation af virksomheden

  • præsentation af produktet og dets egenskaber

  • overvejelser vedrørende forskellige målgrupper

  • angivelse af priser og eventuelle rabatmuligheder

  • mulige leveringsbetingelser

Skriv e-mailen på engelsk til Oliver Stone: os@athleticsgear.co.uk.

Omfang 200-250 ord

Assignment 4

Answer either assignment 4A or assignment 4B.

Assignment 4A

Social media and social responsibility

As a student at the Department of Media and Communications at London School of Economics (LSE), you have been asked to give a speech to your fellow students. Your speech is entitled “Social media and social responsibility”.

In your speech, you analyse the dilemmas faced by social media platforms and advertisers. You discuss reactions and possible solutions to the dilemmas.

Write the manuscript in English.

Word count: 800-1200 words

Use the following sources: All sources must be documented.

Assignment 4B

Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention 2020

Write an analytical essay in which you analyse Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention 2020. Part of your essay must focus on modes of persuasion and linguistic features. Based on your analysis, assess if Michelle Obama is successful in communicating her message.

Write the analytical essay in English.

Word count: 800-1200 words

Use the following sources: All sources must be documented.


Hent skabelonen til besvarelsen i menuen til venstre. Den indeholder sidehoved til dine eksamensoplysninger og felter til besvarelse af opgaverne. Husk at udfylde sidehovedet.


The Guardian. “We’ve all had enough”: Kenosha in anguish over Jacob Blake shooting. August 27, 2020. Viewed August 2020.

Anti-defamation league. Stop Hate For Profit campaign. June 26, 2020. Viewed August 2020.

CNBC. Brand boycott: what’s the future of ads on social media? August 3, 2020. Viewed August 2020.

Harvard Business Review. We’re Entering the Age of Corporate Social Justice, June 15, 2020. Viewed August 2020.

The Guardian. Third of advertisers may boycott Facebook in hate speech revolt. June 30, 2020. Viewed August 2020.

PBS NewsHour. Michelle Obama’s full speech at the Democratic National Convention 2020. August 17, 2020. Viewed August 2020.

CNN Politics. Michelle Obama's DNC speech transcript, August 18, 2020. Viewed August 2020.